New Jersey Republican rep on Twitter: @replobiondo (NJ-02).
New Mexico Republican rep on Twitter: @repstevepearce (NM-2) #compromise
New York Republican reps on Twitter: @reppeteking (NY-3), @repmichaelgrimm (NY-13), @repnanhayworth (NY-19) #compromise
New York Republican reps on Twitter: @reprichardhanna (NY-24), @repbuerkle (NY-25), @reptomreed (NY-29).
If you live in North Carolina, ask @SenatorBurr to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
North Carolina Republican reps on Twitter: @repreneeellmers (NC-02), @RepWalterJones (NC-03), @virginiafoxx (NC-05), @howardcoble (NC-06)
North Dakota Republican rep on Twitter: @reprickberg #compromise
If you live in Ohio, ask @robportman to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Ohio Republican reps on Twitter: @repstevechabot (OH-01), @repmiketuner (OH-03), @jim_jordan (OH-04), @boblatta (OH-05).
Ohio Republican reps on Twitter: @repbilljohnson (OH-06), @steveaustria (OH-07), @stevelatourette (OH-14), @repstevestivers (OH-15).
Oklahoma voters: Tweet @TomCoburn and @jiminhofe and ask them to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.
Oklahoma Republican reps on Twitter: @usrepsullivan (OK-1), @tomcoleok04 (OK-4), @replankford (OK-5) #compromise
Oregon Republican rep on Twitter: @repgregwalden (OR-2) #compromise
If you live in Pennsylvania, ask @SenToomey to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Pennsylvania Republican reps on Twitter: @congressmangt (PA-5),@jimGerlach (PA-6), @repmeehan (PA-7), @repfitzpatrick (PA-8).
Pennsylvania Republican reps on Twitter: @repbillshuster (PA-9), @reptommarino (PA-10), @reploubarletta (PA-11), @dentpressshop (PA-15).
Pennsylvania Republican reps on Twitter: @repjoepitts (PA-16), @reptimmurphy (PA-18).
South Carolina voters: Tweet @JimDeMint and @GrahamBlog and ask them to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.
South Carolina Republican reps on Twitter: @reptimscott (SC-01), @conjoewilson (SC-02), @tgowdysc (SC-04), @repmickmulvaney(SC-05).
South Carolina Republican reps on Twitter: @reptimscott (SC-01), @CongJoeWilson (SC-02), @tgowdysc (SC-04), @repmickmulvaney (SC-05).
South Dakota voters: Tweet @johnthune and ask him to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.
South Dakota Republican rep on Twitter: @repkristinoem#compromise
Tennessee voters: Tweet @SenAlexander and @senbobcorker and ask them to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.
Tennessee Republican reps on Twitter: @dianeblacktn06 (TN-6), @marshablackburn (TN-7), @repfinchertn08 (TN-8).
If you live in Texas, ask @JohnCornyn and @kaybaileyhutch to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Texas Republican reps on Twitter: @replouiegomert (TX-01), @jodgetedpoe (TX-02), @samspressshop (TX-03), @rephensarling(TX-05).
Texas Republican reps on Twitter: @repjoebarton (TX-06), @congculberson (TX-07), @RepKevinBrady (TX-08), @mccaulpressshop (TX-10).
Texas Republican reps on Twitter: @repkeygranger (TX-12), @repronpaul (TX-14), @repflores (TX-17), @randyneugebauer (TX-19).
Texas Republican reps on Twitter: @lamarsmithtx12 (TX-21), @olsonpressshop (TX-22), @repcanseco (TX-23), @repkenmarchant (TX-24).
Texas Republican reps on Twitter:@michaelcburgess (TX-26), @farenthold (TX-27), @petesessions (TX-32).
Utah voters: Tweet @OrrinHatch and @SenMikeLee and ask them to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.
Utah Republican rep on Twitter: @jasoninthehouse (UT-3) #compromise
Virginia Republican reps on Twitter: @robwittman (VA-01), @repscottrigell (VA-02), @randy_forbes (VA-04), @repmgriffith (VA-09).
Virginia Republican reps on Twitter: @gopleader (VA-7), @repgoodlatte (VA-6), @reproberthurt (VA-5) #compromise
Washington Republican reps on Twitter: @herrerabeutler (WA-03), @cathymcmorris (WA-05), @davereichert (WA-08) #compromise
West Virginia Republican reps on Twitter: @repmckinley (WV-1), @repchelley (WV-2).
If you live in Wisconsin, ask @SenRonJohnson to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Wisconsin Republican reps on Twitter: @reppaulryan (WI-1), @repseanduffy (WI-7), @repribble (WI-8) #compromise
Wyoming voters: Tweet @SenJohnBarrasso and ask him to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.
Wyoming Republican rep on Twitter: @cynthialummis #compromise