@BarackObama Washington, DC
BarackObama Barack Obama
President Obama will make a statement on the debt ceiling at 10:20 am ET. Watch live: wh.gov/live
The time for putting party first is over. If you want to see a bipartisan #compromise, let Congress know. Call. Email. Tweet. —BO
You heard the President. So here's what we're doing: throughout the day we'll post the Twitter handles of GOP lawmakers in each state.
Tweet at your Republican legislators and urge them to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Alaska voters: Tweet @lisamurkowski and ask her to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.
Live in AK? Have a Republican representative? Tweet them and ask them to support a bipartisan compromise to deficit reduction.
AK Republican rep on Twitter: @repdonyoung
If you live in Alabama, ask @SenatorSessions and @SenShelbyPress to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Voters in Alabama: Tweet your Republican representative and ask them to support a bipartisan solution to the deficit crisis.
Alabama Republican reps on Twitter: @RepJoBonner (AL-01), @RepMarthaRoby (AL-02), @RepMikeRogersAL (AL-03), @Robert_Aderholt (Al-04)
Alabama Republican reps on Twitter: @RepMoBrooks (AL-05), @BachusAL06 (AL-06)
Arkansas voters: Tweet @JohnBoozman and ask him to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.
Live in AR? Have a Republican representative? Tweet them and ask them to support a bipartisan compromise to deficit reduction.
Arkansas Republican reps on Twitter: @RepRickCrawford (AR-01), @RepTimGriffin (AR-02), @rep_stevewomack (AR-03)
If you live in Arizona, ask @SenJonKyl and @SenJohnMcCain to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Voters in Arizona: Tweet your Republican representative and ask them to support a bipartisan solution to the deficit crisis.
AZ Republican reps on Twitter: @RepGosar (AZ-01), @RepTrentFranks (AZ-02), @benquayle (AZ-03), @RepDavid (AZ-05), @JeffFlake (AZ-06)
Voters in California: Tweet your Republican representative and ask them to support a bipartisan solution to the deficit crisis.
California Republican reps on Twitter: @RepMcClintock (CA-04), @GOPWhip (CA-22), @eltongallegly24 (CA-24), @BuckMcKeon(CA-25)
California Republican reps on Twitter: @RepEdRoyce (CA-40), @RepJerryLewis (CA-41), @RepGaryMiller (CA-42)
California Republican reps on Twitter: @DanaRohrabacher (CA-46),@KenCalvert (CA-44), @MaryBonoMack (CA-45)
California Republican reps on Twitter: @RepJohnCampbell (CA-48),@DarrellIssa (CA-49), @BilbrayCA50 (CA-50), @repjeffdenham(CA-19)
Live in CO? Have a Republican representative? Tweet them and ask them to support a bipartisan compromise to deficit reduction.
Colorado Republican reps on Twitter:@RepTipton (CO-03), @repcorygardner( CO-04), @RepMikeCoffman (CO-06)
Florida voters:Tweet @SenRubioPress and ask him to compromise on a balanced deficit solution
Voters in Florida: Tweet your Republican representative and ask them to support a bipartisan solution to the deficit crisis.
Florida Republican reps on Twitter: @CongJeffMiller (FL-01), @Rep_Southerland (FL-02), @AnderCrenshaw (FL-04),@reprivera( FL-25)
Florida Republican reps on Twitter: @RepRichNugent (FL-05), @RepWebster (FL-08), @RepCliffStearns (FL-06), @RepGusBilirakis (FL-09)
Florida Republican reps on Twitter: @RepDennisRoss (FL-12), @VernBuchanan (FL-13), @ConnieMackIV ( FL-14), @congbillpoTweet sey (FL-15)
Florida Republican reps on Twitter: @tomrooney (FL-16), @roslehtinen (FL-18), @allenwest (FL-22), @mariodb (FL-21),@repsandyadams (FL-24)
If you live in Georgia, ask @SenatorIsakson to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Live in GA? Have a Republican representative? Tweet them and ask them to support a bipartisan compromise to deficit reduction.
Georgia Republican reps on Twitter:@JackKingston(GA-1), @RepWestmoreland (GA-3), @RepTomPrice (GA-6), @AustinScottGA08 (GA-08) #compromise
Georgia Republican reps on Twitter: @RepTomGraves (GA-09), @RepPaulBrounMD (GA-10), @repphilgingrey (GA-11)
Voters in Idaho: Tweet your Republican representative and ask them to support a bipartisan solution to the deficit crisis. #compromise
Idaho Republican reps on Twitter: @Labrador4Idaho (ID-1), @CongMikeSimpson (ID-2)
If you live in Illinois, ask @SenatorKirk to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Voters with Republican reps in IL: Make sure your representative knows you support a balanced approach to reducing the deficit. #compromise
Illinois Republican reps on Twitter: @PeterRoskam (IL-6), @RepJoeWalsh (IL-8), @RepDold (IL-10), @RepKinzinger (IL-11)
Illinois Republican reps on Twitter:@JudyBiggert (IL-13), @RepHultgren (IL-14), @donmanzullo (IL-16), @reptimjohnson (IL-15)
Illinois Republican reps on Twitter: @RepSchilling (IL-17), @repaaronschock (IL-18), @RepShimkus (IL-19)
Indiana voters: Tweet @SenDanCoats and @senatorlugar and ask them to compromise on a balanced deficit solution .
Folks with Republican representatives in Indiana: Make sure your representative knows you support a compromise in the deficit debate.
Indiana Republican reps on Twitter: @repstutzman (IN- 03), @toddrokita (IN-04), @repdanburton (IN-05), @repmikepence (IN-06) #compromise
Indiana Republican reps on Twitter:@replarrybucshon (IN-08), @reptoddyoung (IN-09)
Kansas Republican reps on Twitter: @conghuelskamp (KS-1), @replynnjenkins (KS-2), @kevinyoder (KS-3), @repmikepompeo(KS-4). #compromise
Kentucky voters: Tweet @SenRandPaul and ask him to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.
If you live in Louisiana, ask @DavidVitter to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Voters with Republican reps in LA: Make sure your representative knows you support a balanced approach to reducing the deficit. #compromise
Louisiana Republican reps on Twitter: @repjefflandry (LA-03), @repfleming (LA-04), @usrepalexander (LA-05), @repboustany(LA-07).
If you live in Maine, ask @SenatorSnowe and @SenatorCollins to support a bipartisan compromise to the debt crisis.
Massachusetts voters: Tweet @USSenScottBrown and ask him to compromise on a balanced deficit solution.